Meet the President of ISSA Int'l
Please join us on Thursday evening October 20, 2016 from 6-8 PM at the PHP for an evening packed with great conversation.
Learn about ISSA Int’l from its president and a board member.
Discuss certifications that could advance your career.
We will be speaking live via Skype with Andrea Hoy, President of ISSA International, and Stefano Zanero,PhD., ISSA International Board Member, about what it means to be a member of ISSA.
Ms Hoy created the first CISO Bootcamp to train and mentor Information Security professionals on corporate politics and finance issues, as well as information security planning and "how to be a CISO". She coined the term "Virtual CISO" and was the first Virtual CISO in the industry to provide Fortune 20 CISO/CSO services to small businesses to large enterprises needing high level strategic and governance, risk, compliance expertise either as:
- staff augmentation or
- transitional assistance while placing or on-boarding a new CISO or
- couldn't afford one full time but wanted the expertise for major projects or efforts and lastly
- info security baseline and efficiency study - where are we today compared to our peers in our industry.
Dr. Zanero received his Ph.D. in Computer Engineering from the Politecnico of Milano university, where he is currently an associate professor. His research interests focus on systems security: cyberphysical security, computer virology, malware analysis, financial fraud, and in general data analysis applied to security.
We have also invited the local NE Indiana PMI chapter to join us for a discussion of current certifications in Project Management, IT, and Security.
So please join us.
Refreshments will be served (sandwiches and drink) courtesy of the NE Indiana Chapter of ISSA.
West Jefferson Boulevard
Fort Wayne, IN
The AI Revolution
November ISSA Event
Cybersecurity Joint Meeting w REF CIO Forum and ISSA
State of Cybersecurity
Mobile Security
Reducing Microsoft 365 Risk
A Journey to the Cloud
Protecting Your Organization with MDR
Cyber Insurance Insights
Zero Trust Segmentation
2022 Year End Celebration
Cybersecurity Rants... And Other Topics of Interest
Healthcare Cybersecurity Summit
When It's OK to Lie: Not Your Father's Honeypot
Reacting to Cyber Threats
SOC - Buy vs Build
MSU Interdisciplinary Conference on Cybercrime
BSides Fort Wayne
Cybersecurity Alphabet Soup
Cyber Insurance in a Ransomware World
Are you out of your Trust but Verifying Mind
Solarwinds Breach
O365 Cloud Security
Anatomy of a Hack
Cloud Service Providers Webinar
COVID-19 Webinar
Cyber Wellness
NEIN-ISSA Holiday Networking Event
Rolling Cyber Security into Risk Management
IoT - from the Edge, through the Fog, and to the Cloud
Indiana InfraGard
Northeast IN Year End Celebration
Lifeline Data Center Tour
Social Gathering
Privileged Account Management: A Sprint Approach
Securing the Internet of Things
The who, what, where and why of SIEM
Northeast Indiana ISSA Holiday Celebration 2017
Understanding Penetration Testing
IT and Finance: Bridging the Knowledge Gap
ISSA NE IN - Social
Compliance and Regulations
Preventing Data Disasters
20 Critical Security Controls
Ransomware and Drinks
Meet the President of ISSA Int'l
Networking Event
Hyper Converged Solutions
3D Printing Demo
Ransomware Roundtable