
Welcome to Northeast Indiana ISSA’s New Website

Northeast Indiana ISSA is pleased to announce the launch of our new website. The goal of the new site is to simplify the information presented. Stuff like “when is the next meeting?” and “how can I become a member?” are questions we want the site to quickly answer for any visitor.

We are excited for this fresh start. We are making improvements to better serve our chapter every year. This year we look forward to better organization and communication. The new site should help. We want everyone to utilize the website for up to date information about NEIN ISSA. It is our commitment to each of you that we will keep the site current so you can depend on the information.

We are extremely fortunate to have the talents of Reusser Design donate their time, talent and treasure to our chapter. Nate Reusser and his team did a fantastic job developing our new website. We can't thank them enough!

Thank you for your continued interest and support of Northeast Indiana ISSA. We have shuffled our board of directors in hopes of bringing high level content to each meeting and increase the value proposition of ISSA in Northeast Indiana.

We are committed to the information security community in Northeast Indiana. We hope that you will join us.

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